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【讲座预告】Development Finance and Clean Energy Transformations

【题目】Development Finance and Clean Energy Transformations

【时间】20181228日(周五) 14:00-15:30





This paper presents an analytical and operational framework to motivate and evaluate the role of development finance institutions (DFIs) in enhancing the progress toward a global clean energy transformation. The world community has committed to ambitious goals to close global infrastructure gaps, mitigate climate change, and advance the 2030 Agenda for development, which demands a clean energy transformation---a significant increase in the renewable energy as a percent of total energy consumption in a relatively short period of time. Despite its positive environmental externalities, fostering the renewable energy market entails huge initial capital cost, high uncertainties, and long-term investment horizon whose formation and deployment are further exacerbated by vested interests of conventional fossil fuel energies and lack of supporting infrastructure. To overcome these challenges, we propose an analytical and operational framework where DFIs are uniquely positioned to foster a clean energy transformation by planning in advance to achieve the target of increasing renewable energy investments, scaling up renewable energy investments, incubating renewable energy technology, coordinating corresponding investments including energy transmission and distribution lines, and acting as an honest broker to foster policy changes and make social accounting to overcome the incumbent entrenchment by fossil fuel energies. Finally, we apply the analytical framework to specific cases of DFIs in an effort to evaluate the extent to which DFIs act as an agent for a clean energy transformation in an effort to make targeted policy recommendations.


徐佳君,北京大学新结构经济学研究院助理教授、常务副院长。曾任职于联合国和世界银行,从牛津大学获得博士学位。现担任经济结构转型全球研究联盟秘书长。研究方向包括开发性金融和全球经济治理。曾在Journal of International Development  Institute of Development Studies Bulletin等国际发展领域的学术期刊上发表多篇论文。China Economic Review客座编辑,《全球开发性金融报告(2015)》的主要执笔人。其学术专著《国际发展领域超越美国霸权》于2017年由剑桥大学出版社出版,被布雷顿森林项目(Bretton Woods Project)评为自2016年以来关于世界银行和国际货币基金组织的最佳著作 。近年来主持多个发展中国家依托工业园区实现经济结构转型的政策实践课题。